
GolemHeart helps your server brew, discuss, and play Magic: The Gathering!


Fun Fact: The name and artwork for GolemHeart were inspired by it's namesake magic card, Golem's Heart. Similar to the card's flavor text, GolemHeart's functionality is designed to "give life" to MTG Discord communities.

The heart of a golem gives life to more than just the iron husk around it.

GolemHeart is an open-source Discord bot designed to enhance public or private MTG Discord communities. GolemHeart's features are designed to encourage members to brew decks together, make it easier to play together online, and increase engagement in your community.


GolemHeart uses Discord slash commands. Take a look and see what's available by typing / and browsing the commands for GolemHeart!

With GolemHeart, you can:

Special Thanks

  • My Discord play group for helping inspire GolemHeart and providing invaluable feedback

  • Tobias Vyseri for designing all custom assets used by GolemHeart

  • Wizards of the Coast LLC for designing Magic: The Gathering

GolemHeart is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Last updated